Legal warning

1. Title holder of the web site

Social name:
Identity: Lara Isabel Vázquez Cabezuela
ID: 70.064.197-X
Address: Calle Cuba nº 18, Código Postal 28680 – San Martín de Valdeiglesias -Madrid – Spain
Phone number: +34 633 046 590
Email address:


General record of AEPD Data Protection

Behaviour codes and applicable rules:

Specific rules, among others:

– Ley (Law) 34/2002, of 11 July, from the social service of information and email market:

– Real Recreto Legistalivo (Real Legislative Decree) 1/2007, of 16 November, by which is approved the consolidated text of the General Law by which the Protection of Consumers and Users and other extra laws. pages, (further on, web site):

Main web site:
Social Profiles:

2. Personal data protection:

2.a. Treatment Responsible:

Responsible Contact Information:

Lara Isabel Vázquez Cabezuela, ID: 70.064.197-X address: Calle Cuba, nº 18, ZIP code 28680 – San Martín de Valdeiglesias- Madrid – Spain, Phone number: +34 633 046 590 and email address:

2.b. Data Protection Rights – POLIARSO

How to exercise your rights:

Users can address a communication by written to MadLula address or to the email indicated on the preamble of this legal notice, including in both cases your ID photocopy or any similar identification card as a driver licence, to request the following rights:

Right to seek access to personal data: you could ask to MadLula if it is treating your data.
Right to request its correction (in the case those are incorrect) or abolition.
Right to apply for limitation of its treatment, in which case will be preserved by MadLula to the exercise or protection by claims.
Right to disagree with treatment: MadLula will let to treat the data in the case you would notify, except for imperious legal reasons or the exercise or protection at any claims have to be treated with.
Right to data portability: In the case you want your data will be treated by other business, MadLula will facilitate the portability of your data to the new responsible, it will be always you have given your consent and it might be technically possible (by interoperable format).

Models, questionnaires and more information about your referred rights:

Possibility to retire your consent:

In the case it has to be consented for some specific purpose, your have the right to retire the consent at any moment, without will be affected by the lawfulness data processing based on the previous consent to its withdrawal. If you do not want MadLula will treat your personal data you could inform us notifying properly by written at any moment signed to the following addresses to postal and email, by proving your identity:

Address: Calle Cuba nº 18, Código Postal 28680 – San Martín de Valdeiglesias -Madrid – Spain

How to reclaim opposite to personal data Control Authority:

If you as a user considers there is a problem with the way MadLula is handling your data the protection authority of data which corresponds, being the Spanish Agency of Data Protection the indicated in Spain.

2.c. Data Preservation

Separated data:

The separated data will be preserved without suppression period.

Data subject to treatment:

Personal data will be preserved by the time will stay the contractual relation and, since it comes to an end, won’t be requested an elimination by the applicant. At any case, it will be the minimum necessary, could be kept until:

4 years: Law about Infractions and Approvals to Social Order (obligations to membership, admissions, drops out, contribution, salary payments …); Arts. 66 and Ley General Tributaria (account book…);
5 years Art. 1964 Código Civil (Civil Code) (personal actions without a special time)
6 years Art. 30 Código de Comercio (Commerce code) (account books, invoices…)
10 years: Art. 25 Ley de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo. Prevention Law of Capital Bleaching and Terrorism Financing.

Users data uploaded by MadLula to pages and profiles on social networks:

Since the user offers its consent until their retire.

3. Origin, purpose and legitimacy

3.a. E-mail, contact questionnaires and traditional media

Web and hosting:

MadLula web site is hosted on the hired services by the Raiola Networks company.

MadLula site has an encode which allows the user a safe send of their personal data through standard contact questionnaires and hosted by the servers which the supplier offers to MadLulaBlog

Data raised through the web:

Personal data collected will be object of automatised treatment and added to the related files which MadLula is owner and responsible. To these effects:

Will be received your IP, which will be used to verify the message origin with the object to offer appropriated legal recommendations to the same and to detect any possible irregularities, just as relative data to your ISP.
Additionally, you would facilitate your data by phone, e-mail and any other media indicated on the contact section.


Our email services provider is property of MadLula. Nevertheless, we reinforce some communications, if it comes to that, with Raiola Networks.

Instant messenger service: MadLulaBlog

It offers service through the instant messenger service through the social networks for which has been previously gathered its express consent by their clients.

Payment services providers:

Through the web site, the client can access, by links, to third web parties, to realise a payment of the services given by MadLulaBlog. At any time MadLula’s personal has access to the bank data which the applicant facilitates to third parties, except these data will be required, always having your previous consent.

Other services:

Some services given by the web site can contain particular conditions with specific protection to personal data. It is essential its reading and accepting with previous position to apply for the service that is treated.

Authentication and purpose:

Data are treated in MadLulaBlog given by the applicants with the purpose to keep a professional connection, commercial and/or stablished contractual, as well as to end publicity of new products and related contracted services, as long as you have expressed your previous consent.

4. Social Networks:

Presence on social networks:

MadLulaBlog has a profile at some principal networks: (INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER).

Legitimisation and purpose:

MadLula’s treatment will be accomplished with data inside each of refereed social networks which will be, at the most, the social network allows to the corporative profiles. Likewise, MadLulaBlog can inform, when the law does not prohibit to its followers at any via which the social network allows about its activities, talks, sales, as give personalised customer service.

Data removal:

MadLulaBlog at any case will remove data from social networks, at least it will be deliberately obtained by the user’s consent for that.


When social networks nature, an effective exercise of protection rights’ by the follower has to be improved to the personal profile modification of this, MadLula will help and advice by its possibilities to get that aim.

5. Web navigation (Cookies)

See cookies policy

6. Confidentiality and document destruction


MadLula professionals’ who have any kind of intervention given on the services to the client, are compromised to not reveal neither make use of the information obtained by their profession. The supplied information by the client will have, at any case, confidential treatment, without it could be used for any other purposes than with the services hired related to MadLulaBlog and additional accepted to these.

Document destruction.

With the aim to preserve and guarantee a confidentiality, MadLula is compromised to destroy all the confidentiality information by which had access to any benefit reason of services once 90 days have passed since the end of the service to the client, except if there is a legal responsibility to its preservation. If the client wants to preserve the original or a copy of the mentioned information, it should be printed or kept by their own media or go to MadLula’s headquarters to pick it up before its destruction.

7. Web site content.

The contents of the web site are recorded at the Intellectual Register of Property (Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual) and are provided under related licence. In this licence are excluded all the non literary contents, about those are indicated by other applicable licence and distinctive signs (brand, commercial names, etc.).

8. Content responsibility of the web site

The web site has texts elaborated with an informative purpose. The opinions said on those do not necessary reflect MadLulaBlog points of view. The contents of the articles published on this web site, at any case, can not be considered counselling substitute. User shouldn’t act about the content data based on this web site without previously resorting to a professional advise.

This web site contains external links taking to third parties. MadLulaBlog does not respond about contents neither conditions of those. External links using either involve that MadLula may recommend or approve the content of the landing pages.

9. Regulations and conflict resolutions

Present Conditions by the use of the web site are regulated by all and each of one by the Spanish law. The language composition and interpretation of this legal notice has been written in Spanish translated into English. This legal notice won’t be individually archived by each user, otherwise it may remain accessible via Internet at this web site.

Parties are subject to the Courts of Madrid, to be this MadLula residence, with an express waiver at any other jurisdiction which may correspond.