Benefits of laughter

Benefits of laughter

                 “Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for axiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens.It is the direct route to serenity and contnentment.” Grenville...
Lupin, the serie you can’t stop watching

Lupin, the serie you can’t stop watching

Lupin leaves us open-mouthed.   It is a short serie, no more than five episodes and each one better than the other one. Omar Sy shines himself, we saw him in films as The untouchable 2011 and Samba 2014, he is always spotless. It is true that Lupin has become in...
The importance of hugging

The importance of hugging

Hi there! How is going your winter? It’s being a long period with a lack of love missing our beloved ones and spacially winter is not one of the easiest seasons if we are apart from our beloved ones. We have to take care of the things we eat, think, say and also...
Life at 40.000 feet

Life at 40.000 feet

Hi there! How are you doing? Today I’m telling you what I also do and it’s being a cabin crew, being honest I wanted to share with you some picts as we used to say: these are the views from the office. This job had brought me awesome people, unique...
Sardinia and its endless summer

Sardinia and its endless summer

Hi! It’s almost winter, we’re in the middle of autumn season and seeing the pictures of the last days of summer in Sardegna it takes me to the past dreaming with my feet full of sand, the hair full of saltpeter, my gaze lost in the horizon and happy as a...
Three chocolate cake

Three chocolate cake

The last week my friend Eva cooked this delicious three chocolate cake, her purpose is to get us fat this quarantine. ? Here I leave you the recipe, it s preatty easy but the only thing is that ypu need time to let the chocolate cold in order to put on top the other...