Hi there! How is going your winter?

It’s being a long period with a lack of love missing our beloved ones and spacially winter is not one of the easiest seasons if we are apart from our beloved ones. We have to take care of the things we eat, think, say and also what we give.

Have you asked to yourself why do we feel well hugging?

Well, numerous studies declare that hugging relives in different ways. This emotional and affective bond improves our happiness, stimulate all our body. These studies claim that the perfect hug should be around twenty seconds, usually we hug during three seconds.

As the expert on Applied Quantum Thinking and creator of the Integral healing method SAAMA, Veturián Arana, hugging has enormous beneficts besides to benefict the creation of white globules.


Reduces the risk to have dementia. Hugging relax your muscles, making you feel well.


Decreases the arterial pressure. Your skin is the biggest organ you have and on it we have some receptors named particle of  Pacini, its function is to send signals to the brain reducing the arterial pressure.

A natural rejuveneting therapy.  The hug stimulates the organism oxygenation, helping to prolong the live to the cells. “Hugs uplift the immune system improving the white globules creation, these cells are in charge to combat infections and illness”, claims Arana.


Increase your self-steem and get better the mood. Hugs produce seratonin and dopamine, it means that hugging give us a feeling of well-being and happiness and its effect is to increase our self-esteem.


Reduce stress levels. When we hug, we are releasing adrenaline and cortisol levels, these hormones are the ones which keep us stressed. Arana explains “Hug and being hugged unite and relax us offering a peace, security and serenity feeling”.

Hug your beloved ones. Sooner we could hug eachother with total freedom.

With love, Lara


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