Lupin leaves us open-mouthed.


It is a short serie, no more than five episodes and each one better than the other one. Omar Sy shines himself, we saw him in films as The untouchable 2011 and Samba 2014, he is always spotless. It is true that Lupin has become in the last successful Netflix’s serie of 2021.


Now we are waiting to the second part which should arrive this summer. It all indicates that we will have more episodes of Lupin, without taking in mind the last five from the second part, Netflix has divided the serie in parts. These episodes had been filmed and mostly in Paris and at the same time as the first five which are already in streaming.

Lupin has become one of the french series  more seen in United States.


George Kay, the co-creador of the serie has said that the first ten episodes are based on the story of Asasen Diop.


Omar says to re-experienced come back to the Louvre, it was a trip he made when he was at school and now he just came back, and seen reflected the Maurice Leblanc’s Arsene Lupin novels which he read when he was a child, he declares:

Lupin is so French that you cannot grow up in France and not know who is Arsène Lupin,”


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