‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.’
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
How to find your objective in Life? Go back to your roots and see that all you need is your spirit. You have to believe in yourself, in who you are. Don’t identify yourself with your possessions because if you lose these, you will lose yourself in the process. About vogue, I always say it is not what you wear, it is how you wear it then buy less choose well.
You are not what they think about you neither what you do, so listen to your spirit and do what you love and motivate yourself, which you don’t mind to wake up early in the morning something you never lose your thrill. It may take you years to know because we are too blind about what people think or say about us but at the end of the day meditate and see what gives you back the hope.
How many times did you laugh today?
Love, L.
dress: ZAra (a/w15), shades: Marc by Marc Jacobs, hat: H&M, heels: zara (a/w15), bag: Furla