Apple & strawberry tartlets’

Apple & strawberry tartlets’

Add some flavour to these spring days of confinament with a summer flavour adding some fresh fruit and enjoy your meal. It’s perfect for a your tea of coffee time, breakfast or as a desert. Here I leave you the recipe it’s super easy to make and...
Shiny shiny nails

Shiny shiny nails

Give to the tips some colour! Despite the confinement we’re on the mood to bring the nails colour and spring is here so inspired yourself with some shiny shiny nails. In the case you could take off your permanent nails by yourself now you can feel creative with some...
What to watch now in Netflix

What to watch now in Netflix

What to watch now in Netflix while we are suffering this global pandemic. Finally it seems like I’m going to have time to update the blog, so to a fresh start and the new appearance of it here I leave you some series which I like the most where sex, drugs, love,...
My daily make up routine

My daily make up routine

‘I believe all women are pretty without makeup, but with the right makeup can be pretty powerful.’ Bobbi Brown Hola! A lot of you have asked me about what make up I use, which products and you make me think about it so, as these past days I have been sick,...
Valentine’s gifts 4 the ladies

Valentine’s gifts 4 the ladies

‘Cause I’m a dreamer and you’re the dream’ Unknown Any gift idea for her? Sometimes we’re complicated, others we are very simple it depends on the eye you see it. Always a book because the most important is to feed our mind with some...
Valentine’s gifts 4 him

Valentine’s gifts 4 him

  ‘That stupid smile I get when my thoughts get filled with you.’ Unknown you never know what to gift to your boy? Here it is a gift guide for boys a mix of varieties for each age. Because on variety it is good taste. 😉 Go ahead for Tuesday. Love, L.   1....