Add some flavour to these spring days of confinament with a summer flavour adding some fresh fruit and enjoy your meal. It’s perfect for a your tea of coffee time, breakfast or as a desert. Here I leave you the recipe it’s super easy to make and you’ll need just around 30 minutes and ready to eat.


– 1  puffy pastry

– 1 apple ?

– 5 strawberries  ?

– jam of apricot and strawberries

– 1 egg

– Unsalted butter


Cut in pieces the puffy pastry, spread the apricot jam where the apples will be and the strawberry jam to the strawberries. Peel the apple, cut it in little pieces also cut the strawberries and put the fruit on their tartlets. Whick the egg and paint the edges of your tartlets, put a bit of melt unsalted butter on top of the fruits and those are ready to baker. Preheat the oven around 180 grades and in 15-20 minutes your tartlets will be ready. If you want you can add later a bit more of jam on top of the fruits.

Enjoy it! ?

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