Hi there! How are you dealing with the isolation? Tired of doing everything at home, but to feel joyful and chatty we do different things around here, I truly believe together we’re better. Specially on this uncertain period we are living, joining together it’s all that matters. Being honest we spend most of the time wearing sport clothes and we aren’t the most athletic women. Spending some time out in the patio we’ve discovered our neighbours, new abilities as cookers and also the pleasure of doing nothing, because it’s ok doing nothing at all. We are suffering a global pandemic, something unprecedented so please don’t pressure yourself too much, this too shall pass. Here I leave you some picts of my friends at home Aurora and Aldara meanwhile we are doing our daily life during this covid-19 pandemic, they are wearing the basic t-shirts of MADLULA, Rockheart and Waveheart.
Can’t wait to go to the sea!
With LoVe, Lara