Spend time at home, we needed that and we couldn’t but now there are no excuses to make that recipe we really want to try, that grandma’s casserole you never have time to cook but don’t be blind eating delicious is eating healthy. There is nothing like fresh food as vegetables to stay fit mind and body, going to the fridge to grab something can be very dangerous. Having fresh fruit is essential so the guilty is less. In addition staying healthy is fundamental we need a strong and healthy organism, did you know the eggs have all the vitamins except the vit C and it is a huge protein source?
Here I leave you some plates, we eat first through the eyes, personally I cook with colours as it is my masterpiece of the day and then try some of these to nourish body and soul. Avocado is a super food but
Aquí os dejo unos platos que primero os los comeréis con los ojos, yo personalmente cocino con colores es mi obra maestra del día, y luego para dentro para que nos nutra el cuerpo y el alma. El aguacate es un súper alimento y tampoco se puede abusar de él porque si lo cenas con arroz estas vendida amiga, pero solo para aquellas que quieran bajar de peso porque como dice Residente en su canción: “comer arroz con aguacate para cosechar nalgotas de 14 kilates.”
Mejor grasas sanas que industriales eso sin duda, pero con moderación que todo en su justa medida es bueno, menos lo artificial eso nunca es necesario ni en la comida, ni nada en la vida. ?
Cuídense mucho.
Con amor, Lara
photos by @gymtouches